Q1. What is Odisha Knowledge Corporation Ltd (OKCL)?
Ans. For more information regarding Odisha Knowledge Corporation Limited (OKCL) please click on following link: http://www.okcl.org and click on About Us.

Q2. What is OKCL’s New Center Registration Process for the calendar year 2024?
Ans. IT Literacy program of OKCL is run through its Authorized Learning Centers. OKCL gives authorizations to the organizations / educational institutes that are interested in achieving this mission of IT Literacy. The approval is given when the applicant successfully goes through the processes defined by OKCL. This process of granting authorizations to Applicant Organizations is called as New Center Registration Process. The authorization remains valid for one calendar year and needs to be renewed every year, subject to good performance in order to remain a part of the OKCL network.

Q3. What is Applicant Organization (AO)?
Ans. Applicant Organization is an entity which applies to OKCL, through the Training Provider, in the prescribed form for being registered as an ALC for running the OS-CIT course offered by OKCL under that respective Training Provider.

Q4. What is Training Provider (TP)?
Ans. TP means the Empanelled Training Provider, as described and prescribed by GR no. Ma.TANTRA 3700(132/2000)/TE-3 dated October 03, 2000 and October 13, 2000, empanelled to establish and run the ALCs or the Training Provider empanelled by OKCL as per its norms from time to time. Currently OKCL acts as the TP.

Q5. What are the criteria for AOs to apply under TP?
Ans. Kindly contact respective TPs for more information on individual criteria.

Q6. What is District Lead Center (DLC)?
Ans. District Lead Centre is appointed and authorized by OKCL as per its norms, for overseeing and coordinating the functioning of ALCs within its assigned regional jurisdiction and to discharge certain responsibilities on behalf of OKCL.

Q7. What is Authorized Learning Center (ALC)?
Ans. ALC is an Authorized Learning Center of Odisha Knowledge Corporation Ltd which has configuration as per OKCL’s norms and is authorized to conducts OKCL’s OS-CIT course.

Q8. What is the Center Registration Fees?
Ans. Please click on the menu "Registration Fee Structure" on left hand side.

Q9. Do I need to show complete Center Setup (including IT Infrastructure -Computing Resources) at the time of online application?
Ans. No, not required at the time of online application.

Q10. What is Apply Online?
Ans. By accessing URL www.okcl.org, you can see the center registration button to go to center registration home page. On this home page you have to click on Apply Online link. After filling required details you will get activation link through email and activation code through SMS. After activating his login by clicking the activation link received on email and enter the activation code received on mobile, SOLAR login ID and Password will be received through email.

Q11. Is PAN card compulsory for finalization of New Centers?
Ans. As mentioned in the process documents, PAN Card is mandatory for finalization of New Centers in 2019. However, AOs could upload any of the (mentioned) valid identity documents in the initial application phase. But in the later phase(s), PAN Card is mandatory.

Q12. What is SOLAR login ID?
Ans. SOLAR login ID is the ID that will be used to get access to OKCL website and submitting the required Information (Please use http://solarex.mkcl.org/EF/login/login.jsp) This ID will get generated when you will Apply Online. For getting SOLAR login ID, AO needs to apply online and fill certain mandatory fields. These details should be kept confidential. Please quote your Application ID in all your future correspondence with us till you get the authorization. * By virtue of getting Application ID and Password, does not mean that Applicant Organization has got OKCL's authorization.

Q13. How can I access OKCL's ALC registration website?
Ans. You will have to click on Login link provided on CENTER REGISTRATION home page to get access to OKCL website. Then you will have to enter your SOLAR login ID and Password to access to OKCL ALC registration website.

Q14. What if I do not receive Applicant ID or I face any problems during New ALC Registration Process?
Ans. Please mail your problem to ncr@okcl.org. Please check the Step 1 guide under sub-menu ALC Registration Guide Contact on number mention on the homepage of this website.

Q15. What is the selection procedure for AO after applying online for the New Center Registration process?
Ans. Applicant Organization will have to apply online and get its SOLAR login ID.

  • AO has to fill all the required details online by using SOLAR login ID that is obtained after applying online.
  • AO has to pay the mentioned Registration Fee.
  • AO has to complete the rest of the steps in NCR process

Q16. What kind of Computing Resources and Computer Set up do I require?
Ans. Minimum Computing Resources required: 1 Server + 5 Client (Min.) Please click on link given on the left side menu of this website "Computing Resources" to know the detailed configuration.

Q17. When does Center Setup (including IT Infrastructure -Computing Resources) criteria need to be fulfilled?
Ans. Only eligible AOs need to prepare the Center Setup (including IT Infrastructure -Computing Resources) within time period stipulated by OKCL.

Q18. What are various documents that I need to submit?
Ans. Please find details of required documents on the left side menu bar "Important Documents".

Q19. What are documents AO needs to submit at DLC Location after TP confirmation?
Ans. You will have to click on Login link provided on www.okcl.org - Center Registration menu, to know required documents.

Q20. If AO application gets rejected on the basis of inability to submit all necessary documents to DLC within stipulated date, how much amount is refundable?
Ans. If AO application gets rejected on the basis of inability to submit all necessary documents mentioned by OKCL, in that case OKCL will not process such application and amount of Rs. 24,500/- will be given back to AO.

Q21. On what grounds your application may get rejected?

  • If you fill untrue/wrong information, your application may get rejected
  • If mentioned fees is not paid within the stipulated dates.
  • If you have applied in Close location.
  • If there are more than one application from same area for ALC, then after DLC’s recommendation, OKCL is going to conduct the examination of Center coordinator/ Center head/ Owner/ Co-Owner/ any person who is associated with the organisation for at least 3 months at OKCL’s Registered office at highest scorer will get ALC.
  • If you do not submit documents related to address details, Undertaking form and Center Décor form within stipulated date to DLC.
  • If you do not prepare setup (Infrastructure and Computing Resource) as per norms set by OKCL.
  • If DLC does not recommend you after their visit to your location based on incompliance of OKCL norms.
*Kindly note that OKCL shall be the final authority for Approval/Rejection of AO application and OKCL's decision shall be held final.

Q22. What is the purpose of DLC visit?
Ans. By visit of DLC, OKCL ensures that the information furnished by AO is true in all regards and collect the necessary and required documents.

Q23. What is Intake Capacity?
Ans.Intake capacity is the capacity given by OKCL for registering the no. of learners in a particular batch of OS-CIT course.
Intake Capacity depends on your computing recourses.
AO will have to upload Server & Client details through WORM software.
One Client Computer = 24 Learners

Q24. If I get authorization for this year and if my center does not get renewed for the next year, how much amount will be refunded?
Ans. Only Rs.5000/- deposited for Study Material Deposit will be refunded to ALC on submission of study materials.

Q25. If I get authorization for Calendar year, then from which batch can I start registering learners for OS-CIT course?
Ans. January Batch.

Q26. What is the Center Renewal Fee?
Ans. The Center Renewal Fee is Rs. 7000/- only.
Rs. 6500/- towards Annual Registration Fee
Rs. 500/- towards Processing Fees (Non-Refundable).